
What is coaching?

ICF defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”.

The key word in the above definition is “partnering”. The coach does not play the role of an expert or advise the client. His role is to accompany the client in the creative process of discovering their solutions.

Life coaching focuses holistically on the person, their goals and achieving them. It is a universal, human tool for change, while spiritual coaching moves through higher neurological levels (mission, identity, beliefs), enabling you to find fulfillment on a deeper, spiritual level.


What will you experience in coaching with me?

I will be your thinking partner, staying careful in our relationship, listening to what you say and what you are silent about. I will help you create the change you want. I will become a mirror for your experiences, in whose reflection you will find the truth about yourself. By traveling inward, you will find your strength, wisdom, and answers to questions that have been troubling you for a long time. You will achieve your goals.

Because each person is different, the coaching process is each time tailored to the client and adapted to his needs and the world in which he lives. Only you can find out how much you can get out of it for yourself.

The constant of this process is the transformation and development of consciousness. We change as quickly as we can integrate the truth about ourselves with our Self.

“Becoming conscious is growing in our capacity to deal with the speed of truth. Being unconscious is blocking the truth from coming in.”

Caroline Myss

Our meetings

Sessions are conducted online, using the free Google Meets platform. Possible language options are Polish and English, as desired.

The meetings last 60 minutes and take place 2 times a month. The regularity of meetings is an important factor in accumulating effects.

Check if coaching with me is for you by scheduling a free session!

“Traveler, there is no path. The path is made by walking.”

Antonio Machado

Olga Gajewska Coach Certificate

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